Series -05 | English | Class 10th all subject | VVI 2024 | Bihar Board exam | Roj jitey winner series 2024 | Question Answer | by iiit Institute

 Series -05 | English   | Class 10th all subject | VVI 2024 | Bihar Board exam | Roj jitey winner series 2024 | Question Answer | by iiit Institute 

1. Which word in the passage stands for worship ?

(a) Adore
(b) Esprit
(c) Escapiert
(d) Dispair    

2. Which tribe did the author belong?

(a) Fast thinkers
(b) Slow thinkers
(c) Steady thinkers

(d) None of these

3. How many girls were there in the film ?

(a) Two
(b) Three
C) Four
(d) Five

4. What type of pollution is created by compost, according Mr. Williams ?

(a) Air Pollution

(b) Nose Pollution

(c) Noise Pollution 

(d) None of these

5. Which word in the passage is known as “filth’ ?

(a) Garbage

(b) Compost

(c) Ecology

(d) Lawn

6. Where was Mrs. Greene piling new spapers ?

(a) Next to her garbage bags

(b) In the corner of garden .

(c) Anywhere in campus

(d) None of these

7. What does Mr. Williams actually mean to say to Jim ?

(a) Compost is not suitable for plants

(b) Compost is not environment friendly

(c) Compost smells up the whole street

(d) None of these

 8. How many wound did the squirrel have ?

(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Five

(d) Seven

9. What was everyone’s remark about the wounded squirrel?

(a) It would survive
(b) There is half chances of survival
(c) It would not survive

(d) None of these    

10. Which of the following name was given to the squirrel?

(a) Gauti
(b) Gill
(c) Gillu

(d) Gilla

11. Give the meaning of amazing ?                                                                                                                (a) Wonderful
(b) Astonishing
(c) Joyfull

(d) None of these     

12. In which year the first short film was produced in India ?                                                                 (a) 1907 A.D.
(b) 1919 A.D.
(c) 1925 A.D.
(d) 1947 A.D.                                                                                                                                                         13. In Which year the first feature film of India was performed ?                                                         (a) 1913 A.D.
(b) 1925 A.D.
(c) 1935 A.D.

(d) 1947 A.D.  

14. According to the author, why are Indian films not shown abroad?                                               (a) India offers potential market for her own products
(b) Because Indian films are weak in quality
(c) Due to language problem

(d) None of these       

15. What does the word ‘mysterious’ mean?                                                                                                  (a) Secret
(b) Impossible to Understand
(c) Hidden facts

(d) None of these                   

16. Who’s dedication and personal sacrifice comes to be a worthy symbol through whom the plight of all the people of Burma may be recognised ?                                                                                   (a) Aung San Suu Kyi
(b) Her Son
(c) People of Burma

(d) None of these    

17. Which of the following prize was awarded to Suu Kyi ?                                                                   (a) Nobel Prize
(b) Rafto Prize
(c) Sakharov Prize

(d) All of these   

18. How would she being her speech according to the son of Aung San Suu Kyi ?                            (a) With thanks
(b) With Joy
(c) By saying, the she accepts Nobel Prize in the name of all the people of Burma

(d) None of these      

19. What is the position of old woman in her neighbourhood ?                                                            (a) Hatred
(b) Respected as Rural Prophet
(c) As quarreling woman

(d) None of these       

20. Why did the young people visit the old woman ?                                                                                     (a) To say her to leave her house
(b) To disprove her clairvoyance
(c) To approve her clairvoyance

(d) None of these 

21. What disability did the woman have ?                                                                                                  (a) Fatness
(b) Unable to move
(c) Blindness

(d) Could not talk      

22. Did she know about their motive ?                                                                                                       (a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Confused

(d) None of these

23. Who were Sakes and Hunas ?

(a) Greek tribes
(b) Chinese tribes
(c) Invader on India

(d) None of these.   

24. What is the meaning of ‘absorbed ‘?

(a) take in
(b) take out
(c) take away

(d) None of these       

25. Indian culture is …..

(a) Flexible
(b) Beautiful
(c) Blend of many cultures

(d) None of these 

26. Which word stands for “following something as a result?

(a) Condemn
(b) Consequent
(c) Case

(d) Carlt 

27. Who splashed water on Akoyla’s frock ?

(a) Malasha
(b) a fast blowing wind
(c) a fast moving water

(d) None of these 

28. Why was Akoulya’s mother angry ?

(a) Because her daughter’s frock became dirty and stained
(b) Because her daughter became wet
(c) Her daughter start weasing

(d) None of these    

29. The poet calls things like health and virtue

(A) Gifts
(B) Prizes
(C) Curses

(D) Defects

30. Where do you find fields and groves?

(A) in villages
(B) in towns

(C) in forests

(D) in cities   

31. What is the source of light in villages in the evening?

(A) seen
(B) moon
(C) lamp

(D) none of these 

32. Where is life better?

(A) in towns
(B) in villages
(C) in markets

(D) in homes   

33. What can make our life sweet? ….!

(A) good facilities
(B) health and virtue

(C) scenes

(D) none of these   

34. Wiere is the life least threatened ?

(A) in towns
(B) in the fields and groves
(C) in villages

(D) none of these  

35. What are planted to console the pensive wanderer ?

(A) grooves
(B) shạdes
(C) walls

(D) factories                                                                                                                  


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