Series -04 | English | Class 12th all subject | VVI 2024 | Bihar Board exam | Roj jitey winner series 2024 | Question Answer | by iiit Institute

 Series -04 | English   | Class 12th all subject | VVI 2024 | Bihar Board exam | Roj jitey winner series 2024 | Question Answer | by iiit Institute 

 1.‘My Experiments with Truth’ was written by-..

(A) Nehruji
(B) Mahatma Gandhi,
(C) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
(D) Sardar Patel

2. The mind is a restless …………… the more it gets the more it wants.

(A) bird
(B) dog
(C) cow
(D) monkey

3.Dr. Zakir Hussain entered the office with –

(B) total dedication
(C) enmity
(D) treachery

4. Dr. Zakir Hussain was long associated with—

(A) business
(B) education
(C) art
(D) game

5. On the platform Nanukaka handed over the author –

(A) a bag
(B) a box
(C) a briefcase
(D) a basket

6. The basket contained –

(A) fruits
(B) a cat
(C) sweets
(D) vegetables

7. To overlook the Negro would be –

(A) good
(B) beneficial
(C) fatal
(D) None of these

8. The Negroes made the pledge that they will always-

(A) march ahead
(B) march back
(C) march slowly
(D) None of thes

9. Birds die of hunger in large numbers-

(A) during summer
(B) during rainy season
(C) during winter
(D) None of these

10. During summer birds-

(A) remember this catastrophe
(B) forget this catastrophe
(C) fear from this
(D) None of these

11. Seibi lived in a-

(A) village
(B) town
(C) city

(D) harbour town

12. One could walk from one end of the town to another in-

(A) ten minutes
(b) Twenty minutes
(C) half-an-hour
(D) four hours.

13.  New clothes are brought for –

(A) the baby
(B) the mother
(C) both
(D) None of these

 14.  In traditional births infant and mother mortality is-

(A) lesser
(B) greater
(C) negligible
(D) None of these

15.She died in –

(A) 1967
(B) 1957
(C) 1977
(D) 1987

16. She was educated at –

(A) Cambridge
(B) Oxford
(C) both
(D) None of these

17. The doctor advised the parents to give to Benjy—

(A) medicine
(B) toys
(C) some work
(D) None of these

 18. The doctor suggested to let him keep

(A) cows
(B) hens
(C) horses
(D) None of these

19.The Mongolian from Europen invaded.

(A) Bergal
(B) Delhi
(C) Punjab

(D) Kashmir

20. The first woman President of the General Assembiy of the United State was the –

(A) Japanese
(B) American
(C) Chinese

(D) Indian

21. Anton Chekhov was born in-

(A) 1850
(B) 1870
(C) 1860
(D) 1880

22. Anton Chekhov died in-

(A) 1905
(B) 1904
(C) 1910
(D) 1912

23.The occasion of the poem, ‘Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ is Donne’s-

(A) continental trip
(B) space tour
(C) voyage
(D) None of these

24. John Donne has written the poem –

(A) Song of Myself
(B) An Epitaph
(C) Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe
(D) The Soilder

25.According to ‘Song of Myself (‘I Celebrate Myself’) the speaker is a great lover of-

(A) arts
(B) science
(C) commerce

(D) Nature

26. Walt Whitman has written the poem-

(A) An Epitaph
(B) The Soldier
(C) Song of Myself
(D) Fire-Hymn

 27.‘Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast’ ………… the frustration inherent in human life.

(A) reacts
(B) enacts
(C) accepts
(D) protests

28. W.H. Auden has written the poem-

(A) John Keats
(B) Walt Whitman
(C) W.H. Auden
(D) T.S. Eliot

29.Who has been personified in ‘Ode To Autumn’ ?

(A) Spring
(B) Autumn
(C) Winter
(D) Summer

30. John Keats has written the poem-

(A) An Epitaph
(B) Ode To Autumn
(C) The Soldier
(D) Fire-Hymn

 31.Walter de la Mare shows fresh interest in………….. theme

(A) old
(B) medieval
(C) love
(D) None of these

32. Walter de la Mare has written the poem-

(A) The Soldier
(B) Fire-Hyron
(C) Snake

(D) An Epitaph Ans

33.Brooke inspired patriotism in the …….. phase of the First World War.

(A) early
(B) middle
(C) late
(D) None of these

34. Rupert Brooke has written the poem-

(A) Snake
(B) An Epitaph
(C) The Soldier
(D) Song of Myself

35. T.S. Eliot has written the poem-

(A) Fire-Hymn
(B) Snake
(C) Macavity : The Mystery Cat
(D) The Soldier


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